We are thrilled that Minnow Hamilton and Sarah Morgenstern, co-founders of SavvyMom Media, will be presenting via video at this year’s Leading Moms.

Sarah Morgenstern and Minnow Hamilton (Video Presenters)
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Find out what two leading moms think about balance and pursuing your passion.
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We are thrilled that Minnow Hamilton and Sarah Morgenstern, co-founders of SavvyMom Media, will be presenting via video at this year’s Leading Moms.
Minnow Hamilton is the Managing Editor and co-founder of SavvyMom Media. Her responsibilities include ensuring the company delivers on its editorial mandate to provide practical solutions for moms’ everyday dilemmas, as well as leading marketing efforts for the company. Minnow knows that trolling the aisles of supermarkets, changing diapers and getting through the day with young children can present some of life’s steepest learning curves. Having become a conscientious shopper and active participant in the influential Mom consumer group herself, Minnow is now channeling her experience into action. SavvyMom subscribers will appreciate her passion, insight and humour. With a background in marketing and promotions, she is a SavvyMom to two sons, and a graduate of the University of Toronto and University College, Dublin.
Sarah Morgenstern is the Publisher and Co-Founder of SavvyMom Media. Living it and loving it, with three young children, she knows what moms need and what they want to know, and is dedicated to bringing practical solutions for moms’ everyday dilemmas to their readers through SavvyMom’s various publishing properties: SavvyMom Today, PartySavvy, EatSavvy and ShopSavvy. Widely considered an authoritative source of all things mom, kid, and home-related, she is a true maven. She holds degrees from the University of Toronto and the Richard Ivey School of Business, and prior to launching savvymom.ca, Sarah honed her business skills for more than a decade as a management consultant with industry-leading global firms, focusing on strategy and organization.
For more information: www.savvymom.ca.
Don’t miss Minnow and Sarah at Leading Moms 2013. Register Now.