Dr. Shimi Kang is a Harvard-trained physician, Medical Director for Child and Youth Mental Health for Vancouver, and a Clinical Associate Professor at the University of British Columbia. Her first book: The Dolphin Parent – How to Raise Smart, Happy, Successful Kids without Turning into a Tiger (Penguin-Randomhouse) is coming out in January 2014. Dr. Kang’s lives in Vancouver with her husband and three children.

Dr. Shimi Kang, Psychiatrist, Author, Media Consultant, Speaker
Dr. Shimi Kang is a Harvard-trained physician, Medical Director for Child and Youth Mental Health for Vancouver, and a Clinical Associate Professor at the University of British Columbia. Dr. Kang’s lives in Vancouver with her husband and three children.
A response to the bestselling Tiger Mother book by Amy Chua, The Dolphin Parent by child, youth, and adult psychiatrist Shimi Kang, M.D. conclusively dismantles the myth of Tiger parenting and offers a new, intuitive model designed to overcome the problems of both the “Eastern” and “Western” parenting styles. Dr. Kang’s approach fosters sustainable skills that all children need to thrive in a 21st century marked by globalization, competition, break speed technological advances, and financial insecurity. Kang calls her approach “Dolphin Parenting” and uses the metaphor of the Dolphin to conjure up images of the intelligence, skill, and agility of these joyful, clever, and truly social creatures, which are also considered among the world’s most altruistic animal species.
As someone who was never in a single” scheduled” activity and attended medical school at 19, Dr. Kang is proof that Dolphin Parenting works. And as Medical Director for the culturally diverse city of Vancouver’s child and youth mental health community programs, she has a close-up look at the negative impact of the Tiger Parenting approach: suicides, addiction, anxiety disorders, nearsightedness, high stress levels, and lower satisfaction for both parents and children. Dr. Kang is convinced that now, more than ever, we need to shake off the Tiger and move towards the Dolphin—a firmly guiding way of being with your child that leads to internal motivation for 21st century smarts, happiness, and a better world.
About Dr. Shimi Kang
Dr. Shimi Kang is a Harvard trained physician with over 10 years of experience in providing medical information on a variety of health related topics. Her treatment, research, teaching, and media work reflect her expertise in healthy living, motivation, culture, addictions, and mental health.
As a result of her endeavors, Dr. Kang has received five national awards in the field of addictions and mental health including the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry Research Award and an American Society of Addiction Medicine Award.
As one of Canada’s few physicians trained in motivational interviewing, Dr. Kang trains extensively in the area of motivation, facilitating positive change, and promoting healthy behavior.
In 2010, Dr. Kang co-founded the Youth, Culture, and Mental Health Fund for the BC Mental Health Foundation. Recognizing the high degrees of stigma and the profound need for mental health education among youth, Dr. Kang turned her efforts towards early identification and intervention for youth and young adults. She joined the Board of the BC Mental Health Foundation as a Director in August 2011 to further enhance this mission.
Dr. Kang has published numerous articles, book chapters, manuals, and monographs in the area of alcohol dependence, addictions, youth and women’s mental health, motivation, and cross cultural issues in healthcare.
Among her widespread volunteer activities, she has spent much of her time bringing awareness and reducing the stigma of mental health and addictive disorders through countless public forums and media events. Dr. Kang has a keen interest in promoting and providing health information that is understandable and relevant to the general public.
Dr. Kang has contributed as an invited expert to numerous newspapers, online news, radio, and television programs. She is a recognized media specialist in discussing both common and complex conditions such as stress, relationships, motivation, depression, suicide, and addiction.